Crisis is universal! We all would have been in crisis or helped someone through a crisis. Every crisis presents an opportunity.

Crisis intervention includes supporting someone experiencing both life-threatening and non-life-threatening situational and transient challenges by providing them framework to find alternatives and solutions by themselves.

The Helpie Community Project is a bootstrapped, collaborative public health initiative of Augmenta Health and Spandana Healthcare. The goal is to create a technologically driven community safety net that can save lives by keeping people afloat in a crisis.

To aid those in distress grow through what they go through, this initiative includes a 24/7/365 tech -assisted helpline, self help resources to help people in crisis, and consistent training and handholding of the passionate individuals who volunteer to serve as Helpie Responders. 

The initiative entails the team having a dedicated space and resources for recruiting, training, and engaging Helpie Responders who volunteer on this platform—grooming them by providing ongoing, high-quality supervision, timely debriefing, and institutional group support. The platform necessitates regular technological maintenance and upgradation. 

The initiative is now fully functioning, with resources from partnering institutions. Anyone in the community who wants to do their part to help people in distress can do so by donating money or volunteering their time or by any other means of services aiding this initiative, then you are a FunDi! (Fund Dissemination of Evidence-Based Helping).

You can become a FunDi in a variety of ways:

(1) Money fuels and sustains change:

Donate what you feel

(2) Social currency matters! Like, Follow, or Subscribe to our social media pages below.

(3) Provide us a feedback or testimonial:

Your testimonial or feedback

If you are interested in collaborating, partnering, sponsoring, or participating in this initiative, don’t hesitate to contact us by email at or by phone at +919980740344.

In Mental Health Crisis

Maybe it’s time to seek help…