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Module 1 Introduction and a Brief Overview of the Training
Unit 1 Pre Training Survey (3Qs)  
Unit 2 Introduction and brief overview  
Module 2 Media Coverage of Suicide: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Unit 1 Media Coverage of Suicide – Good, Bad and the Ugly  
Module 3 Media Coverage of Suicide: Guidelines as the Guiding Light
Unit 1 Suicide Reporting Guidelines as the guiding light  
Module 4 The Media reporting on Mental Illness – It’s an Uphill Battle
Unit 1 Media Reporting on Mental illness an uphill battle  
Module 5 Media Reporters as Media Influencers
Unit 1 Media reporters as media influencers  
Unit 2 Media Gatekeeper Post Training Evaluation  
Unit 3 Feedback  

In Mental Health Crisis

Maybe it’s time to seek help…